I Had The BEST Saturday Night!

I had the best Saturday night hangin with my friend Betty. She's my neighbor and she is 87. I cleaned her refrigerator for her, did some grocery shopping for her and put her groceries away. When I was done, I could tell that she didn't want me to leave. She said, "Would you like to stay for dinner?" I had already had dinner, but I stayed anyway. We talked and laughed. She told me about her two sons and her husband, all three have passed on.  She showed me pictures and told me many stories, at the end of the story she would say, 'Those were such good times." We read from the book of Luke and prayed together. Before I knew it, it was almost midnight lol. I said, "Betty I need to go home, it's late." She said, "darling do you know that I pray for you and thank God for you?" I said, "you do?" She said,"yes, you help me so much and I love you." She almost made me cry. I said,"I love you too Betty!" I wish her family would make more effort to spend time with her. What a blessing she is to me, I sure don't mind being a stand in for her grandchildren. I get so much out of our visits. Thank you Lord, for my dear friend Betty. Take time for our elderly friends, if they are alone, they get lonely. They get discouraged. Love on them! You will be surprised what you get in return. I think I get more out of our talks that she does, really. They have so much wisdom to share and they like the companionship. 

Below is a pic of us from that night. Sweet Betty :)

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